¡Transforma tu salud cardiovascular con Cardiolipid IA, tu aliado en tratamiento y monitoreo inteligente ¡Empieza hoy a cuidar tu corazón!

Soluciones Tecnológicas

Mejoramos la salud con inteligencia artificial y aplicaciones digitales personalizadas para pacientes y profesionales.

Time Bot es tu asistente virtual

Todo el tiempo a tu lado, listo para colaborarte cuando necesites saber sobre tu salud.

A 3D rendering of a microchip with the letters 'AI' prominently displayed on its surface, set on a dark, circular platform.
A 3D rendering of a microchip with the letters 'AI' prominently displayed on its surface, set on a dark, circular platform.
Aplicaciones digitales con tecnología IA

Conoce nuestras aplicaciones médicas enfocadas en la personalización, para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes.

Explora nuestros proyectos de investigación en curso y publicaciones científicas.

Investigación en salud

Tecnologías Innovadoras en medicina

Mejoramos tratamientos médicos con inteligencia artificial y datos en tiempo real.

Innovación en salud digital

En Time Med IA, transformamos la atención médica mediante inteligencia artificial, mejorando tratamientos y optimizando el trabajo de los profesionales de la salud para una mejor calidad de vida.

Proyectos Innovadores para empresas

Soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas para el sector de la salud.

A glowing neon sign displaying the letters 'AI' is mounted on a dark, textured wall that resembles a circuit board or technological pattern.
A glowing neon sign displaying the letters 'AI' is mounted on a dark, textured wall that resembles a circuit board or technological pattern.
Inteligencia Artificial: Consultoría especializada en medicina

Participa en la era IA, moderniza tus servicios y mejora la atención al paciente mediante la inteligencia artificial y el análisis de datos avanzado en salud.

The image depicts a clean and modern hospital room featuring a hospital bed with advanced monitoring equipment attached. The room is well-lit with ceiling lights and has a large window with blinds, allowing natural light to enter. The floors are made of polished wood, and there are neutral-colored walls. Medical equipment and a computer monitor are suspended above the bed, contributing to the sterile and professional atmosphere of the room.
The image depicts a clean and modern hospital room featuring a hospital bed with advanced monitoring equipment attached. The room is well-lit with ceiling lights and has a large window with blinds, allowing natural light to enter. The floors are made of polished wood, and there are neutral-colored walls. Medical equipment and a computer monitor are suspended above the bed, contributing to the sterile and professional atmosphere of the room.
Large blue letters 'AI' stand prominently on a surface covered with a pattern of hexagonal shapes. Dark swirling lines intersect around the letters, creating a sense of motion and complexity. The background has a metallic sheen with a futuristic, digital style.
Large blue letters 'AI' stand prominently on a surface covered with a pattern of hexagonal shapes. Dark swirling lines intersect around the letters, creating a sense of motion and complexity. The background has a metallic sheen with a futuristic, digital style.
Aplicaciones Digitales

Optimización del trabajo de profesionales de la salud.